Saturday, April 2, 2011


So, quite a bit has happened since I last updated. About three weeks ago, I was issued an invitation to Lesotho working under the Community Health (CHED) program set to leave in May. Deciding to decline proved to be the most difficult decision of my life. Many factors influenced my decision including a serendipitous offer to volunteer in Peru with a PCV at a community center at her site. Beginning May 1st, I will officially be moving to Peru and working the next year at the Comedor located in Grocio Prado, about two hours south of Lima.  I'm hoping to get some sort of domestic violence support group off the ground as well as expand their youth group, help with after school tutoring programs and apprentice with their social worker. To be clear, I will be volunteering directly for this center and in that sense, will not be a PCV in any capacity. I've attached their website below if anyone is interested in volunteering there in the future. The perks are incomparable to the Peace Corps but they do provide free board and ten hot meals a week.

I wish everyone still waiting for invites the best of luck ...and those of you in country: thank you for serving. I believe being a PCV may be the single most heroic act anyone can set out to accomplish in our modern world. You are a true inspiration. I will continue to stalk all of your blogs as I've learned more from some of them than any book I've ever read. May your selflessness be returned ten-fold.